Bases: ChessboardAndLogModule
this module is an interactive quiz in which the player has to find acceptable moves (given by the position evaluations) for given positions. usually the opening tree of the opening tree module (@see chessapp.controller.OpeningTree) is used to find opponent moves played with a probability that is in proportion to the statistical occurence of that move given the specific players the opening tree is based on. if no move is known for the given position in the opening tree then a random move is chosen from the tree that is given during module initialization. the quiz ends when a no more moves are known for a certain positon.
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 |
__init__(app, tree, opening_tree, explorer)
initializes the quiz module. the actions are start, reset and explore. explore opens the explorer module (@see chessapp.controller.Explorer) and sets the board to the current position. start starts the quiz. reset resets the board to the starting position.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
app |
the main application |
required |
tree |
the tree to use for the quiz |
required |
opening_tree |
the opening tree to use for the quiz |
required |
explorer |
the explorer module |
required |
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
this method is called when the user makes a move on the chessboard. it checks if the move is acceptable and if so applies it to the board. if the move is acceptable it will call apply_opponent_move to apply the opponents move. if the move is not acceptable it will log a message. also if the move is unknown it will be added to the opening tree (and can be explored later).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
piece_movement |
the movement to apply |
required |
Type | Description |
if this method is called during an opponents move |
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
this method is called when the opponent makes a move. it will choose a move from the opening tree (if known) by proportion of known moves or a random move otherwise (known by the given tree). if there is no more move known then the quiz stops.
Type | Description |
if this method is called during the players turn |
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
opens the explorer module and sets the board of the explorer to the board of the quiz.
finish_quiz(node, reason)
this method is called when the quiz is finished. it will log the reason of termination, the moves played and the moves left in the node (if any).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
node |
the node that that was reached when the quiz was finished |
required |
reason |
the reason why the quiz was finished |
required |
Type | Description |
if the quiz has not been started yet |
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
this method is called when the user makes a move on the chessboard. it will dispatch apply_movement for this piece movement on the threadpool of the main application (because this method is called from the gui thread and apply_movement may take some time to complete).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
piece_movement |
the movement to apply |
required |
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
this method resets the board to the starting position and resets the quiz state.
this method starts the quiz. it will randomly choose a color for the player and displays the board from the perspective of the player.
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
Bases: QRunnable
this class is a runnable that is used to apply a piece movement to the quiz (@see on_piece_movement). it is used to run apply_movement on the threadpool of the main application.
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
__init__(quiz, piece_movement)
initializes the runnable
Name | Type | Description | Default |
quiz |
the quiz to apply the movement to |
required |
piece_movement |
the movement to apply |
required |
Source code in chessapp\controller\quiz.py
import random
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRunnable
from chess import Board
from chessapp.model.chesstree import ChessTree
from chessapp.view.chessboardwidget import PieceMovement
import time
import chess
from chessapp.model.move import Move
from chessapp.model.sourcetype import SourceType
from chessapp.view.module import ChessboardAndLogModule, create_method_action
from chessapp.controller.openingtree import OpeningTree
from chessapp.controller.explorer import Explorer
from chessapp.model.node import Node
from chessapp.sound.chessboardsound import ChessboardSound
from chessapp.util.pgn import moves_to_pgn
from chessapp.util.fen import get_reduced_fen_from_board
s_starting_position = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -"
class Quiz(ChessboardAndLogModule):
""" this module is an interactive quiz in which the player has to find acceptable moves (given by the position evaluations) for given positions.
usually the opening tree of the opening tree module (@see chessapp.controller.OpeningTree) is used to find opponent moves played with a
probability that is in proportion to the statistical occurence of that move given the specific players the opening tree is based on. if no move
is known for the given position in the opening tree then a random move is chosen from the tree that is given during module initialization.
the quiz ends when a no more moves are known for a certain positon.
def __init__(self, app, tree: ChessTree, opening_tree: OpeningTree, explorer: Explorer):
"""initializes the quiz module. the actions are start, reset and explore. explore opens the explorer module (@see chessapp.controller.Explorer)
and sets the board to the current position. start starts the quiz. reset resets the board to the starting position.
app (ChessApp): the main application
tree (ChessTree): the tree to use for the quiz
opening_tree (OpeningTree): the opening tree to use for the quiz
explorer (Explorer): the explorer module
super().__init__(app, "Quiz", [create_method_action(app, "Start", self.start), create_method_action(
app, "Reset", self.reset), create_method_action(app, "Explore", self.explore)])
self.tree: ChessTree = tree
self.explorer = explorer
self.player_turn: bool = False
self.quiz_started: bool = False
self.opponent_color: str = ""
self.board: Board = None
self.moves_played = []
self.opening_tree = opening_tree
def apply_movement(self, piece_movement: PieceMovement):
""" this method is called when the user makes a move on the chessboard. it checks if the move is acceptable and if so applies it to the board.
if the move is acceptable it will call apply_opponent_move to apply the opponents move. if the move is not acceptable it will log a message.
also if the move is unknown it will be added to the opening tree (and can be explored later).
piece_movement (PieceMovement): the movement to apply
Exception: if this method is called during an opponents move
if not self.quiz_started:
if not self.player_turn:
raise Exception(
"this method can only be called during the players turn")
fen = get_reduced_fen_from_board(self.board)
node = self.tree.get(fen)
san = self.board.san(chess.Move.from_uci(piece_movement.uci_format()))
move = node.get_move_by_san(san)
if not move:
self.log_message("unable to find move " + san +
". adding it to the opening chess tree.")
copy_board = Board(fen=fen)
node.add(Move(self.tree, san, get_reduced_fen_from_board(
copy_board), source=SourceType.QUIZ_EXPLORATION))
cp_loss = node.get_cp_loss(move)
if not node.is_acceptable_move(move):
"this move is not acceptable. CP loss = " + str(cp_loss))
"good move. CP loss = " + str(cp_loss))
previous_node = node
node = self.tree.get(get_reduced_fen_from_board(self.board))
self.board, last_move=move, previous_node=previous_node, node=node, play_sound=True)
self.player_turn = False
def apply_opponent_move(self):
""" this method is called when the opponent makes a move. it will choose a move from the opening tree (if known) by proportion of known moves
or a random move otherwise (known by the given tree). if there is no more move known then the quiz stops.
Exception: if this method is called during the players turn
if not self.quiz_started:
if self.player_turn:
raise Exception(
"this method can only be called during the opponents turn")
fen = get_reduced_fen_from_board(self.board)
node = self.tree.get(fen)
if not node.has_move():
black_node = self.opening_tree.black_opening_tree.get(fen)
white_node = self.opening_tree.white_opening_tree.get(fen)
if black_node.has_move():
node = black_node
elif white_node.has_move():
node = white_node
self.finish_quiz(node, "no moves for opponent known")
op_tree = self.opening_tree.black_opening_tree
if self.opponent_color == "black":
op_tree = self.opening_tree.white_opening_tree
op_node = op_tree.get(node.state)
move = None
if op_node.has_frequency():
move = op_node.random_move(random, True)
move = node.random_move(random)
self.player_turn = True
previous_node = node
node = self.tree.get(get_reduced_fen_from_board(self.board))
self.board, last_move=move, previous_node=previous_node, node=node, show_last_move_icon=False, last_move_is_opponent_move=True, play_sound=True)
if not node.has_acceptable_move():
node, "opponent moved, no more acceptable moves for player known")
def finish_quiz(self, node: Node, reason: str):
""" this method is called when the quiz is finished. it will log the reason of termination, the moves played and the moves left in the node (if any).
node (Node): the node that that was reached when the quiz was finished
reason (str): the reason why the quiz was finished
Exception: if the quiz has not been started yet
if not self.quiz_started:
raise Exception("cannot finish quiz that has not been started yet")
self.log_message("quiz finished with reason: " + reason)
self.log_message("line played: " +
moves_to_pgn(self.moves_played, True))
if node.has_move():
moves = []
for move in node.moves:
moves.append(str(move.san) +
" (" + str(node.get_cp_loss(move)) + ")")
self.log_message("moves left in node " +
node.state + ": " + ", ".join(moves))
self.quiz_started = False
def on_piece_movement(self, piece_movement: PieceMovement):
""" this method is called when the user makes a move on the chessboard. it will dispatch apply_movement for this piece movement on the
threadpool of the main application (because this method is called from the gui thread and apply_movement may take some time to complete).
piece_movement (PieceMovement): the movement to apply
if not self.about_to_close():
self.app.threadpool.start(QuizMovementAction(self, piece_movement))
def reset(self):
""" this method resets the board to the starting position and resets the quiz state.
self.quiz_started = False
self.board = Board()
def explore(self):
""" opens the explorer module and sets the board of the explorer to the board of the quiz.
def start(self):
""" this method starts the quiz. it will randomly choose a color for the player and displays the board from the perspective of the player.
if self.quiz_started:
self.player_turn = random.randint(0, 1) % 2 == 0
self.opponent_color = "white"
if self.player_turn:
self.opponent_color = "black"
self.board = Board()
self.moves_played = []
self.quiz_started = True
if not self.player_turn:
class QuizMovementAction(QRunnable):
""" this class is a runnable that is used to apply a piece movement to the quiz (@see on_piece_movement). it is used to run apply_movement
on the threadpool of the main application.
def __init__(self, quiz: Quiz, piece_movement: PieceMovement):
"""initializes the runnable
quiz (Quiz): the quiz to apply the movement to
piece_movement (PieceMovement): the movement to apply
self.quiz = quiz
self.piece_movement = piece_movement
def run(self):
""" applies the movement to the quiz