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A backlink links a node A to a previous node B such that playing the move in B leads to A.

Source code in chessapp\model\
class Backlink:
    """ A backlink links a node A to a previous node B such that playing the move in B leads to A.
    node: object
    move: Move


A node represents a position in the chess tree. It contains the following information: - state: the fen of the position - eval: the evaluation of the position - eval_depth: the depth of the evaluation - is_mate: whether the position is a mate position or not - moves: the known moves of the position - backlinks: the links pointing to the known nodes leading to this node

Source code in chessapp\model\
class Node:
    """ A node represents a position in the chess tree. It contains the following information:
    - state: the fen of the position
    - eval: the evaluation of the position
    - eval_depth: the depth of the evaluation
    - is_mate: whether the position is a mate position or not
    - moves: the known moves of the position
    - backlinks: the links pointing to the known nodes leading to this node

    def __init__(self, tree, fen: str, eval: float = 0, eval_depth: int = -1, is_mate: bool = False):
        """ creates a new node with the given fen

            tree (ChessTree): the tree in which this node is contained
            fen (str): fen of the position
            eval (float, optional): evaluation of the position
            eval_depth (int, optional): depth of the evaluation
            is_mate (bool, optional): whether the position is a mate position or not
        self.tree = tree
        self.state: str = fen
        self.moves = []
        self.backlinks = []
        self.eval: float = eval
        self.eval_depth: float = eval_depth
        self.is_mate: bool = is_mate

    def update(self, eval: float, eval_depth: int, is_mate: bool):
        """ updates the evaluation of this node if the given evaluation depth is deeper than the current one or
        if the new evaluation is a mate and the current evaluation is not a mate

            eval (float): evaluation of the position
            eval_depth (int): depth of the evaluation
            is_mate (bool): whether the position is a mate position or not
        if eval_depth > self.eval_depth or (not self.is_mate and is_mate):
            self.eval_depth = eval_depth
            self.eval = eval
            self.is_mate = is_mate

    def add(self, move: Move):
        """ adds a move to the node. if the move is already known, the source and the comment are updated if applicable

            move (Move): _description_
        for m in self.moves:
            if m.is_equivalent_to(move):
                if m.source.value < move.source.value:
                    m.source = move.source
                if move.comment and not m.comment:
                    m.comment = move.comment
        self.tree.get(move.result).backlink(self, move)

    def backlink(self, node, move: Move):
        """ adds a backlink to the node.
        TODO: this is kinda ugly. the backlink should be added to the node when the move is added to the node. Should Move know the fen of the positon it is played in?>

            node (Node): previous node
            move (Move): move that leads from the previous node to this node
        self.backlinks.append(Backlink(node, move))

    def knows_move(self, move: Move) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the node knows the given move

            move (Move): move to check

            bool: True if the node knows the move, False otherwise
        return self.get_equivalent_move(move) != None

    def get_equivalent_move(self, move: Move) -> Move | None:
        """ returns the equivalent move if the node knows the given move, None otherwise

            move (Move): move to check

            Move | None: the equivalent move if the node knows the given move, None otherwise
        for m in self.moves:
            if m.is_equivalent_to(move):
                return m
        return None

    def has_move(self) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the node knows at least one move

            bool: True if the node knows at least one move, False otherwise
        return len(self.moves) != 0

    def total_frequency(self) -> int:
        """ returns the total frequency of all moves of the node (the sum of the frequencies of all moves)

            int: the total frequency of all moves of the node
        sum: int = 0
        for move in self.moves:
            sum += move.frequency
        return sum

    def has_frequency(self) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the node has at least one move with a frequency > 0

            bool: True if the node has at least one move with a frequency > 0, False otherwise
        return self.total_frequency() > 0

    def random_move(self, random: Random, use_frequency: bool = False) -> Move:
        """ returns a random move of the node. if use_frequency is True, the probability of a move to be chosen is
        proportional to the frequency of the move. if use_frequency is False, all moves have the same probability.
        TODO: move this method in a different module.

            random (Random): _description_
            use_frequency (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False.

            Exception: _description_

            Move: _description_
        if not use_frequency:
            return self.moves[random.randint(0, len(self.moves) - 1)]
        chosen_move = None
        total = self.total_frequency()
        sum = 0
        target = random.randint(0, total - 1)
        for move in self.moves:
            if sum + move.frequency > target:
                chosen_move = move
            sum += move.frequency
        if chosen_move == None:
            raise Exception(
                "cannot chose a move. check frequencies of the moves of node " + self.state)
        return chosen_move

    def is_white_turn(self) -> bool:
        """ checks whether it is white's turn in the node. 
        TODO: decide if this method should be more efficient. Every time this method is called the fen of the node is split. Instead this could be a simple bool that is set on __init__.

            bool: True if it is white's turn in the node, False otherwise
        return self.state.split(" ")[1] == "w"

    def get_cp_loss(self, move: Move) -> int:
        """ returns the centipawn loss of the given move. the centipawn loss is the difference between the evaluation
        of the node and the evaluation of the node that results from playing the specified move.
        TODO: figure out if this method has to be moved to a different module.

            move (Move): move to check

            int: the centipawn loss of the given move
        return round(abs(self.eval - move.eval()) * 100)

    def get_move_by_san(self, move_san: str) -> Move | None:
        """ returns the move with the given san if the node knows the move, None otherwise

            move_san (str): san of the move to get

            Move | None: the move with the given san if the node knows the move, None otherwise
        for move in self.moves:
            if move.san == move_san:
                return move
        return None

    def is_acceptable_move(self, move: Move) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the given move is acceptable. a move is acceptable if the difference between the evaluation
        of the node and the evaluation of the move is not too high. the maximum difference is defined in the configuration
        as QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF. if the move is a move from a relaxed source, the maximum difference is defined in the
        configuration as QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF_RELAXED. a source is relaxed if it is contained in the list
        QUIZ_ACCEPT_RELAXED_SOURCES in configuration.
        TODO: move this method in a different module.

            move (Move): move to check

            bool: True if the move is acceptable, False otherwise
        if move.eval_depth() < 0:
            return False
        eval_diff_accept = QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF
        if move.source in QUIZ_ACCEPT_RELAXED_SOURCES:
            eval_diff_accept = QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF_RELAXED
        # check turn player
        eval_best = self.eval
        if self.eval_depth < 0:
            best_move = self.get_best_move()
            if best_move != None:
                if best_move.eval_depth() > 0:
                    eval_best = best_move.eval()
                return True
        if self.is_white_turn():
            return eval_best - move.eval() <= eval_diff_accept
            return move.eval() - eval_best <= eval_diff_accept

    def has_acceptable_move(self) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the node has at least one acceptable move. @see is_acceptable_move.
        TODO: move this method in a different module.

            bool: True if the node has at least one acceptable move, False otherwise
        for move in self.moves:
            if self.is_acceptable_move(move):
                return True
        return False

    def get_best_move(self, min_depth: int = 0) -> Move | None:
        """ returns the best move of the node. the best move is the move with the highest evaluation value amongst
        the moves with highest depth. if there is no move with at least a depth of min_depth, None is returned.

            min_depth (int, optional): the minimum depth of the move to be returned.

            Move | None: the best move of the node
        if len(self.moves) == 0:
            return None
        best_move = None
        # first search for a node as a baseline that has at least a depth of min_depth
        for move in self.moves:
            if not best_move or move.eval_depth() > best_move.eval_depth():
                best_move = move
        if not best_move:
            return None
        is_white_turn = self.is_white_turn()
        # now find a move that not only satisfies with depth min_depth but also has a better eval value
        for move in self.moves:
            if move.eval_depth() >= min_depth:
                if is_white_turn:
                    if move.eval() > best_move.eval():
                        best_move = move
                    if move.eval() < best_move.eval():
                        best_move = move
        return best_move

    def source(self) -> SourceType:
        """ returns the source of the node. the source is the highest source of all moves of the node.

            SourceType: the source of the node
        source = SourceType.ENGINE_SYNTHETIC
        for backlink in self.backlinks:
            if backlink.move.source.value > source.value:
                source = backlink.move.source
        return source

__init__(tree, fen, eval=0, eval_depth=-1, is_mate=False)

creates a new node with the given fen


Name Type Description Default
tree ChessTree

the tree in which this node is contained

fen str

fen of the position

eval float

evaluation of the position

eval_depth int

depth of the evaluation

is_mate bool

whether the position is a mate position or not

Source code in chessapp\model\
def __init__(self, tree, fen: str, eval: float = 0, eval_depth: int = -1, is_mate: bool = False):
    """ creates a new node with the given fen

        tree (ChessTree): the tree in which this node is contained
        fen (str): fen of the position
        eval (float, optional): evaluation of the position
        eval_depth (int, optional): depth of the evaluation
        is_mate (bool, optional): whether the position is a mate position or not
    self.tree = tree
    self.state: str = fen
    self.moves = []
    self.backlinks = []
    self.eval: float = eval
    self.eval_depth: float = eval_depth
    self.is_mate: bool = is_mate


adds a move to the node. if the move is already known, the source and the comment are updated if applicable


Name Type Description Default
move Move


Source code in chessapp\model\
def add(self, move: Move):
    """ adds a move to the node. if the move is already known, the source and the comment are updated if applicable

        move (Move): _description_
    for m in self.moves:
        if m.is_equivalent_to(move):
            if m.source.value < move.source.value:
                m.source = move.source
            if move.comment and not m.comment:
                m.comment = move.comment
    self.tree.get(move.result).backlink(self, move)

adds a backlink to the node. TODO: this is kinda ugly. the backlink should be added to the node when the move is added to the node. Should Move know the fen of the positon it is played in?>


Name Type Description Default
node Node

previous node

move Move

move that leads from the previous node to this node

Source code in chessapp\model\
def backlink(self, node, move: Move):
    """ adds a backlink to the node.
    TODO: this is kinda ugly. the backlink should be added to the node when the move is added to the node. Should Move know the fen of the positon it is played in?>

        node (Node): previous node
        move (Move): move that leads from the previous node to this node
    self.backlinks.append(Backlink(node, move))


returns the best move of the node. the best move is the move with the highest evaluation value amongst the moves with highest depth. if there is no move with at least a depth of min_depth, None is returned.


Name Type Description Default
min_depth int

the minimum depth of the move to be returned.



Type Description
Move | None

Move | None: the best move of the node

Source code in chessapp\model\
def get_best_move(self, min_depth: int = 0) -> Move | None:
    """ returns the best move of the node. the best move is the move with the highest evaluation value amongst
    the moves with highest depth. if there is no move with at least a depth of min_depth, None is returned.

        min_depth (int, optional): the minimum depth of the move to be returned.

        Move | None: the best move of the node
    if len(self.moves) == 0:
        return None
    best_move = None
    # first search for a node as a baseline that has at least a depth of min_depth
    for move in self.moves:
        if not best_move or move.eval_depth() > best_move.eval_depth():
            best_move = move
    if not best_move:
        return None
    is_white_turn = self.is_white_turn()
    # now find a move that not only satisfies with depth min_depth but also has a better eval value
    for move in self.moves:
        if move.eval_depth() >= min_depth:
            if is_white_turn:
                if move.eval() > best_move.eval():
                    best_move = move
                if move.eval() < best_move.eval():
                    best_move = move
    return best_move


returns the centipawn loss of the given move. the centipawn loss is the difference between the evaluation of the node and the evaluation of the node that results from playing the specified move. TODO: figure out if this method has to be moved to a different module.


Name Type Description Default
move Move

move to check



Name Type Description
int int

the centipawn loss of the given move

Source code in chessapp\model\
def get_cp_loss(self, move: Move) -> int:
    """ returns the centipawn loss of the given move. the centipawn loss is the difference between the evaluation
    of the node and the evaluation of the node that results from playing the specified move.
    TODO: figure out if this method has to be moved to a different module.

        move (Move): move to check

        int: the centipawn loss of the given move
    return round(abs(self.eval - move.eval()) * 100)


returns the equivalent move if the node knows the given move, None otherwise


Name Type Description Default
move Move

move to check



Type Description
Move | None

Move | None: the equivalent move if the node knows the given move, None otherwise

Source code in chessapp\model\
def get_equivalent_move(self, move: Move) -> Move | None:
    """ returns the equivalent move if the node knows the given move, None otherwise

        move (Move): move to check

        Move | None: the equivalent move if the node knows the given move, None otherwise
    for m in self.moves:
        if m.is_equivalent_to(move):
            return m
    return None


returns the move with the given san if the node knows the move, None otherwise


Name Type Description Default
move_san str

san of the move to get



Type Description
Move | None

Move | None: the move with the given san if the node knows the move, None otherwise

Source code in chessapp\model\
def get_move_by_san(self, move_san: str) -> Move | None:
    """ returns the move with the given san if the node knows the move, None otherwise

        move_san (str): san of the move to get

        Move | None: the move with the given san if the node knows the move, None otherwise
    for move in self.moves:
        if move.san == move_san:
            return move
    return None


checks whether the node has at least one acceptable move. @see is_acceptable_move. TODO: move this method in a different module.


Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the node has at least one acceptable move, False otherwise

Source code in chessapp\model\
def has_acceptable_move(self) -> bool:
    """ checks whether the node has at least one acceptable move. @see is_acceptable_move.
    TODO: move this method in a different module.

        bool: True if the node has at least one acceptable move, False otherwise
    for move in self.moves:
        if self.is_acceptable_move(move):
            return True
    return False


checks whether the node has at least one move with a frequency > 0


Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the node has at least one move with a frequency > 0, False otherwise

Source code in chessapp\model\
def has_frequency(self) -> bool:
    """ checks whether the node has at least one move with a frequency > 0

        bool: True if the node has at least one move with a frequency > 0, False otherwise
    return self.total_frequency() > 0


checks whether the node knows at least one move


Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the node knows at least one move, False otherwise

Source code in chessapp\model\
def has_move(self) -> bool:
    """ checks whether the node knows at least one move

        bool: True if the node knows at least one move, False otherwise
    return len(self.moves) != 0


checks whether the given move is acceptable. a move is acceptable if the difference between the evaluation of the node and the evaluation of the move is not too high. the maximum difference is defined in the configuration as QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF. if the move is a move from a relaxed source, the maximum difference is defined in the configuration as QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF_RELAXED. a source is relaxed if it is contained in the list QUIZ_ACCEPT_RELAXED_SOURCES in configuration. TODO: move this method in a different module.


Name Type Description Default
move Move

move to check



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the move is acceptable, False otherwise

Source code in chessapp\model\
def is_acceptable_move(self, move: Move) -> bool:
    """ checks whether the given move is acceptable. a move is acceptable if the difference between the evaluation
    of the node and the evaluation of the move is not too high. the maximum difference is defined in the configuration
    as QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF. if the move is a move from a relaxed source, the maximum difference is defined in the
    configuration as QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF_RELAXED. a source is relaxed if it is contained in the list
    QUIZ_ACCEPT_RELAXED_SOURCES in configuration.
    TODO: move this method in a different module.

        move (Move): move to check

        bool: True if the move is acceptable, False otherwise
    if move.eval_depth() < 0:
        return False
    eval_diff_accept = QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF
    if move.source in QUIZ_ACCEPT_RELAXED_SOURCES:
        eval_diff_accept = QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF_RELAXED
    # check turn player
    eval_best = self.eval
    if self.eval_depth < 0:
        best_move = self.get_best_move()
        if best_move != None:
            if best_move.eval_depth() > 0:
                eval_best = best_move.eval()
            return True
    if self.is_white_turn():
        return eval_best - move.eval() <= eval_diff_accept
        return move.eval() - eval_best <= eval_diff_accept


checks whether it is white's turn in the node. TODO: decide if this method should be more efficient. Every time this method is called the fen of the node is split. Instead this could be a simple bool that is set on init.


Name Type Description
bool bool

True if it is white's turn in the node, False otherwise

Source code in chessapp\model\
def is_white_turn(self) -> bool:
    """ checks whether it is white's turn in the node. 
    TODO: decide if this method should be more efficient. Every time this method is called the fen of the node is split. Instead this could be a simple bool that is set on __init__.

        bool: True if it is white's turn in the node, False otherwise
    return self.state.split(" ")[1] == "w"


checks whether the node knows the given move


Name Type Description Default
move Move

move to check



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the node knows the move, False otherwise

Source code in chessapp\model\
def knows_move(self, move: Move) -> bool:
    """ checks whether the node knows the given move

        move (Move): move to check

        bool: True if the node knows the move, False otherwise
    return self.get_equivalent_move(move) != None

random_move(random, use_frequency=False)

returns a random move of the node. if use_frequency is True, the probability of a move to be chosen is proportional to the frequency of the move. if use_frequency is False, all moves have the same probability. TODO: move this method in a different module.


Name Type Description Default
random Random


use_frequency bool

description. Defaults to False.



Type Description



Name Type Description
Move Move


Source code in chessapp\model\
def random_move(self, random: Random, use_frequency: bool = False) -> Move:
    """ returns a random move of the node. if use_frequency is True, the probability of a move to be chosen is
    proportional to the frequency of the move. if use_frequency is False, all moves have the same probability.
    TODO: move this method in a different module.

        random (Random): _description_
        use_frequency (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False.

        Exception: _description_

        Move: _description_
    if not use_frequency:
        return self.moves[random.randint(0, len(self.moves) - 1)]
    chosen_move = None
    total = self.total_frequency()
    sum = 0
    target = random.randint(0, total - 1)
    for move in self.moves:
        if sum + move.frequency > target:
            chosen_move = move
        sum += move.frequency
    if chosen_move == None:
        raise Exception(
            "cannot chose a move. check frequencies of the moves of node " + self.state)
    return chosen_move


returns the source of the node. the source is the highest source of all moves of the node.


Name Type Description
SourceType SourceType

the source of the node

Source code in chessapp\model\
def source(self) -> SourceType:
    """ returns the source of the node. the source is the highest source of all moves of the node.

        SourceType: the source of the node
    source = SourceType.ENGINE_SYNTHETIC
    for backlink in self.backlinks:
        if backlink.move.source.value > source.value:
            source = backlink.move.source
    return source


returns the total frequency of all moves of the node (the sum of the frequencies of all moves)


Name Type Description
int int

the total frequency of all moves of the node

Source code in chessapp\model\
def total_frequency(self) -> int:
    """ returns the total frequency of all moves of the node (the sum of the frequencies of all moves)

        int: the total frequency of all moves of the node
    sum: int = 0
    for move in self.moves:
        sum += move.frequency
    return sum

update(eval, eval_depth, is_mate)

updates the evaluation of this node if the given evaluation depth is deeper than the current one or if the new evaluation is a mate and the current evaluation is not a mate


Name Type Description Default
eval float

evaluation of the position

eval_depth int

depth of the evaluation

is_mate bool

whether the position is a mate position or not

Source code in chessapp\model\
def update(self, eval: float, eval_depth: int, is_mate: bool):
    """ updates the evaluation of this node if the given evaluation depth is deeper than the current one or
    if the new evaluation is a mate and the current evaluation is not a mate

        eval (float): evaluation of the position
        eval_depth (int): depth of the evaluation
        is_mate (bool): whether the position is a mate position or not
    if eval_depth > self.eval_depth or (not self.is_mate and is_mate):
        self.eval_depth = eval_depth
        self.eval = eval
        self.is_mate = is_mate


from chessapp.model.move import Move
from chessapp.model.sourcetype import SourceType
from random import Random
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Backlink:
    """ A backlink links a node A to a previous node B such that playing the move in B leads to A.
    node: object
    move: Move

class Node:
    """ A node represents a position in the chess tree. It contains the following information:
    - state: the fen of the position
    - eval: the evaluation of the position
    - eval_depth: the depth of the evaluation
    - is_mate: whether the position is a mate position or not
    - moves: the known moves of the position
    - backlinks: the links pointing to the known nodes leading to this node

    def __init__(self, tree, fen: str, eval: float = 0, eval_depth: int = -1, is_mate: bool = False):
        """ creates a new node with the given fen

            tree (ChessTree): the tree in which this node is contained
            fen (str): fen of the position
            eval (float, optional): evaluation of the position
            eval_depth (int, optional): depth of the evaluation
            is_mate (bool, optional): whether the position is a mate position or not
        self.tree = tree
        self.state: str = fen
        self.moves = []
        self.backlinks = []
        self.eval: float = eval
        self.eval_depth: float = eval_depth
        self.is_mate: bool = is_mate

    def update(self, eval: float, eval_depth: int, is_mate: bool):
        """ updates the evaluation of this node if the given evaluation depth is deeper than the current one or
        if the new evaluation is a mate and the current evaluation is not a mate

            eval (float): evaluation of the position
            eval_depth (int): depth of the evaluation
            is_mate (bool): whether the position is a mate position or not
        if eval_depth > self.eval_depth or (not self.is_mate and is_mate):
            self.eval_depth = eval_depth
            self.eval = eval
            self.is_mate = is_mate

    def add(self, move: Move):
        """ adds a move to the node. if the move is already known, the source and the comment are updated if applicable

            move (Move): _description_
        for m in self.moves:
            if m.is_equivalent_to(move):
                if m.source.value < move.source.value:
                    m.source = move.source
                if move.comment and not m.comment:
                    m.comment = move.comment
        self.tree.get(move.result).backlink(self, move)

    def backlink(self, node, move: Move):
        """ adds a backlink to the node.
        TODO: this is kinda ugly. the backlink should be added to the node when the move is added to the node. Should Move know the fen of the positon it is played in?>

            node (Node): previous node
            move (Move): move that leads from the previous node to this node
        self.backlinks.append(Backlink(node, move))

    def knows_move(self, move: Move) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the node knows the given move

            move (Move): move to check

            bool: True if the node knows the move, False otherwise
        return self.get_equivalent_move(move) != None

    def get_equivalent_move(self, move: Move) -> Move | None:
        """ returns the equivalent move if the node knows the given move, None otherwise

            move (Move): move to check

            Move | None: the equivalent move if the node knows the given move, None otherwise
        for m in self.moves:
            if m.is_equivalent_to(move):
                return m
        return None

    def has_move(self) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the node knows at least one move

            bool: True if the node knows at least one move, False otherwise
        return len(self.moves) != 0

    def total_frequency(self) -> int:
        """ returns the total frequency of all moves of the node (the sum of the frequencies of all moves)

            int: the total frequency of all moves of the node
        sum: int = 0
        for move in self.moves:
            sum += move.frequency
        return sum

    def has_frequency(self) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the node has at least one move with a frequency > 0

            bool: True if the node has at least one move with a frequency > 0, False otherwise
        return self.total_frequency() > 0

    def random_move(self, random: Random, use_frequency: bool = False) -> Move:
        """ returns a random move of the node. if use_frequency is True, the probability of a move to be chosen is
        proportional to the frequency of the move. if use_frequency is False, all moves have the same probability.
        TODO: move this method in a different module.

            random (Random): _description_
            use_frequency (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False.

            Exception: _description_

            Move: _description_
        if not use_frequency:
            return self.moves[random.randint(0, len(self.moves) - 1)]
        chosen_move = None
        total = self.total_frequency()
        sum = 0
        target = random.randint(0, total - 1)
        for move in self.moves:
            if sum + move.frequency > target:
                chosen_move = move
            sum += move.frequency
        if chosen_move == None:
            raise Exception(
                "cannot chose a move. check frequencies of the moves of node " + self.state)
        return chosen_move

    def is_white_turn(self) -> bool:
        """ checks whether it is white's turn in the node. 
        TODO: decide if this method should be more efficient. Every time this method is called the fen of the node is split. Instead this could be a simple bool that is set on __init__.

            bool: True if it is white's turn in the node, False otherwise
        return self.state.split(" ")[1] == "w"

    def get_cp_loss(self, move: Move) -> int:
        """ returns the centipawn loss of the given move. the centipawn loss is the difference between the evaluation
        of the node and the evaluation of the node that results from playing the specified move.
        TODO: figure out if this method has to be moved to a different module.

            move (Move): move to check

            int: the centipawn loss of the given move
        return round(abs(self.eval - move.eval()) * 100)

    def get_move_by_san(self, move_san: str) -> Move | None:
        """ returns the move with the given san if the node knows the move, None otherwise

            move_san (str): san of the move to get

            Move | None: the move with the given san if the node knows the move, None otherwise
        for move in self.moves:
            if move.san == move_san:
                return move
        return None

    def is_acceptable_move(self, move: Move) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the given move is acceptable. a move is acceptable if the difference between the evaluation
        of the node and the evaluation of the move is not too high. the maximum difference is defined in the configuration
        as QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF. if the move is a move from a relaxed source, the maximum difference is defined in the
        configuration as QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF_RELAXED. a source is relaxed if it is contained in the list
        QUIZ_ACCEPT_RELAXED_SOURCES in configuration.
        TODO: move this method in a different module.

            move (Move): move to check

            bool: True if the move is acceptable, False otherwise
        if move.eval_depth() < 0:
            return False
        eval_diff_accept = QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF
        if move.source in QUIZ_ACCEPT_RELAXED_SOURCES:
            eval_diff_accept = QUIZ_ACCEPT_EVAL_DIFF_RELAXED
        # check turn player
        eval_best = self.eval
        if self.eval_depth < 0:
            best_move = self.get_best_move()
            if best_move != None:
                if best_move.eval_depth() > 0:
                    eval_best = best_move.eval()
                return True
        if self.is_white_turn():
            return eval_best - move.eval() <= eval_diff_accept
            return move.eval() - eval_best <= eval_diff_accept

    def has_acceptable_move(self) -> bool:
        """ checks whether the node has at least one acceptable move. @see is_acceptable_move.
        TODO: move this method in a different module.

            bool: True if the node has at least one acceptable move, False otherwise
        for move in self.moves:
            if self.is_acceptable_move(move):
                return True
        return False

    def get_best_move(self, min_depth: int = 0) -> Move | None:
        """ returns the best move of the node. the best move is the move with the highest evaluation value amongst
        the moves with highest depth. if there is no move with at least a depth of min_depth, None is returned.

            min_depth (int, optional): the minimum depth of the move to be returned.

            Move | None: the best move of the node
        if len(self.moves) == 0:
            return None
        best_move = None
        # first search for a node as a baseline that has at least a depth of min_depth
        for move in self.moves:
            if not best_move or move.eval_depth() > best_move.eval_depth():
                best_move = move
        if not best_move:
            return None
        is_white_turn = self.is_white_turn()
        # now find a move that not only satisfies with depth min_depth but also has a better eval value
        for move in self.moves:
            if move.eval_depth() >= min_depth:
                if is_white_turn:
                    if move.eval() > best_move.eval():
                        best_move = move
                    if move.eval() < best_move.eval():
                        best_move = move
        return best_move

    def source(self) -> SourceType:
        """ returns the source of the node. the source is the highest source of all moves of the node.

            SourceType: the source of the node
        source = SourceType.ENGINE_SYNTHETIC
        for backlink in self.backlinks:
            if backlink.move.source.value > source.value:
                source = backlink.move.source
        return source