Bases: QObject
A module is a widget that offers the user GUI interactions with the program. It is registered in the menu bar with its own menu item whose display name is given by display_name. The menu item has a "Focus" action that makes the modules' central_widget the AppWindow's central widget. The central_widget is a QWidget that contains a QVBoxLayout with a header label, the main widget and a footer label. The main_widget is a QWidget that contains the main content of the module.
Only change the content of main_widget or the text of the header_label and footer_label!
TODO: This class needs to be refactored! The chessapp.controller classes are derived from it which mixes GUI and logic. Instead a controller should be able to offer a GUI-element to the application and interact through it with the user and vice versa.
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 |
__init__(app, display_name, actions)
initialises the module with the given parameters. The module is not focused after initialisation. After initialising this class the method init needs to be called on the GUI thread to finish up the initialisation.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
app |
the main application |
required |
display_name |
the name of the module that is displayed in the menu bar |
required |
actions |
a list of actions that are displayed in the menu of the module |
required |
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returns True if the module is about to close or is already closed. Closing happens when the main application closes down itself. This method is used as an indicator by deriving classes to determine if it is feasible or not to continue actions. Often it is prudent to include this method inside loops to abort actions when the program wants to close.
Name | Type | Description |
bool |
True if the module is about to close or is already closed |
Source code in chessapp\view\
closes the module
dispatches the given callable to the threadpool of the main application.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
callable |
any callable object like a method of an object or a lambda function |
required |
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focuses this module by setting its central_widget as the main application's central widget and unfocusing all other modules. This method is called by the "Focus" action in the menu bar.
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call this method only once per instance and only on the GUI thread. This method finishes the initialisation of the module.
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this method is only called once by the main application. Don't call this in any other way. It registers the module in the menu bar with the "Focus" action and the actions given in the constructor.
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Bases: BaseModule
This derivation adds a log widget to the main widget. The log widget is a QListWidget that displays log messages.
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__init__(app, display_name, actions)
basically only calls the constructor of BaseModule and initialises the log widget.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
app |
the main application |
required |
display_name |
the name of the module that is displayed in the menu bar |
required |
actions |
the actions that are displayed in the menu of the module |
required |
Source code in chessapp\view\
internal method that is called by the GUI thread when a new status message is received.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
message |
the message to log |
required |
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@see BaseModule.init. Adds the log widget to the main widget.
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log_message(message, timeout_milliseconds=2000)
logs the given message in the log widget and shows it as a status message in the status bar of the main application.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
message |
the message to log |
required |
timeout_milliseconds |
the timeout of the status message in milliseconds. |
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Bases: LogModule
This derivation adds a ChessBoardWidget left of the log widget as a sort of split-screen. Override on_piece_movement and on_back to react to the user's actions on the chess board.
Source code in chessapp\view\
__init__(app, display_name, actions)
basically only calls the constructor of LogModule and initialises the ChessBoardWidget.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
app |
the main application |
required |
display_name |
the name of the module that is displayed in the menu bar |
required |
actions |
the actions that are displayed in the menu of the module |
required |
Source code in chessapp\view\
@see LogModule.init. Adds the ChessBoardWidget to the main widget. In order to show the ChessBoardWidget split-screen the log widget first needs to be removed from the main_widget and then placed inside it again. TODO: change this behaviour so that the log widget is not removed and placed inside the main widget again.
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this method is called when the user presses the back button on the chess board. Override this method to react to this user input.
@see LogModule.on_focus. This method grabs the keyboard so that the ChessBoardWidget can receive keyboard input by the user.
this method is called when a piece has been move by the user on the chess board. Override this method to react to this user input.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
piece_movement |
the piece movement that has been performed |
required |
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Bases: QRunnable
This class is used to dispatch a method to the threadpool of the main application.
Source code in chessapp\view\
initialises the MethodAction with the given method.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
method |
any callable object like a method of an object or a lambda function |
required |
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRunnable, QObject, Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QMenuBar, QMenu, QWidget, QListWidget, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QListWidgetItem
from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont
from chessapp.view.chessboardwidget import ChessBoardWidget, PieceMovement
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from chessapp.configuration import DEFAULT_STYLESHEET
class BaseModule(QObject):
""" A module is a widget that offers the user GUI interactions with the program. It is registered in the menu bar with
its own menu item whose display name is given by display_name. The menu item has a "Focus" action that makes the modules'
central_widget the AppWindow's central widget. The central_widget is a QWidget that contains a QVBoxLayout with a header
label, the main widget and a footer label. The main_widget is a QWidget that contains the main content of the module.
Only change the content of main_widget or the text of the header_label and footer_label!
TODO: This class needs to be refactored! The chessapp.controller classes are derived from it which mixes GUI and logic. Instead a controller should be able to offer a GUI-element to the application and interact through it with the user and vice versa.
def __init__(self, app, display_name: str, actions: list[QAction]) -> None:
""" initialises the module with the given parameters. The module is not focused after initialisation. After
initialising this class the method init needs to be called on the GUI thread to finish up the initialisation.
app (ChessApp): the main application
display_name (str): the name of the module that is displayed in the menu bar
actions (list[QAction]): a list of actions that are displayed in the menu of the module
super().__init__() = app
self.display_name: str = display_name
self.is_focused = False
self.central_widget = QWidget()
self.main_widget = QWidget()
self.header_label = QLabel()
self.footer_label = QLabel()
self.actions: [QAction] = actions
self.is_closing = False
self.is_closed = False
def init(self) -> None:
""" call this method only once per instance and only on the GUI thread. This method finishes the initialisation of
the module.
# widget configuration
self.header_label.setFont(QFont("Times", 20, QFont.Bold))
self.central_widget.styleSheet() + ";" + DEFAULT_STYLESHEET)
# header, main, footer
v_layout = QVBoxLayout()
# default values
def register(self):
""" this method is only called once by the main application. Don't call this in any other way.
It registers the module in the menu bar with the "Focus" action and the actions given in the constructor.
menu_bar: QMenuBar =
menu: QMenu = menu_bar.addMenu("&" + self.display_name)
focus_action = QAction("&Focus",
for action in self.actions:
def about_to_close(self) -> bool:
""" returns True if the module is about to close or is already closed. Closing happens when the main application
closes down itself. This method is used as an indicator by deriving classes to determine if it is feasible or
not to continue actions. Often it is prudent to include this method inside loops to abort actions when the program
wants to close.
bool: True if the module is about to close or is already closed
return self.is_closing or self.is_closed
def on_register(self):
""" override this method to react to the registration of the module in the main application.
def on_close(self):
""" override this method to react to the closing of the module.
def close(self):
""" closes the module
if self.about_to_close():
self.is_closing = True
# this way around "self.about_to_close()" stays True
self.is_closed = True
self.is_closing = False
def focus(self):
""" focuses this module by setting its central_widget as the main application's central widget and unfocusing all
other modules. This method is called by the "Focus" action in the menu bar.
if self.is_focused:
self.is_focused = True
def unfocus(self):
""" unfocuses this module.
if not self.is_focused:
self.is_focused = False
def on_focus(self):
""" override this method to react to the focusing of the module.
def on_unfocus(self):
""" override this method to react to the unfocusing of the module.
def dispatch_threadpool(self, callable):
""" dispatches the given callable to the threadpool of the main application.
callable (callable): any callable object like a method of an object or a lambda function
class LogModule(BaseModule):
""" This derivation adds a log widget to the main widget. The log widget is a QListWidget that displays log messages.
log_message_received = pyqtSignal(str)
def __init__(self, app, display_name: str, actions: list[QAction]):
""" basically only calls the constructor of BaseModule and initialises the log widget.
app (ChessApp): the main application
display_name (str): the name of the module that is displayed in the menu bar
actions (list[QAction]): the actions that are displayed in the menu of the module
super().__init__(app, display_name, actions)
self.log_widget = QListWidget()
def init(self):
""" @see BaseModule.init. Adds the log widget to the main widget.
# main: log
v_Layout = QVBoxLayout()
# connections
def log_message(self, message: str, timeout_milliseconds: int = 2000):
""" logs the given message in the log widget and shows it as a status message in the status bar of the main application.
message (str): the message to log
timeout_milliseconds (int, optional): the timeout of the status message in milliseconds.
self.log_message_received.emit(message), timeout_milliseconds)
def __log_message(self, message: str):
""" internal method that is called by the GUI thread when a new status message is received.
message (str): the message to log
QListWidgetItem(message, self.log_widget)
class ChessboardAndLogModule(LogModule):
""" This derivation adds a ChessBoardWidget left of the log widget as a sort of split-screen. Override
on_piece_movement and on_back to react to the user's actions on the chess board.
def __init__(self, app, display_name: str, actions: list[QAction]):
""" basically only calls the constructor of LogModule and initialises the ChessBoardWidget.
app (ChessApp): the main application
display_name (str): the name of the module that is displayed in the menu bar
actions (list[QAction]): the actions that are displayed in the menu of the module
super().__init__(app, display_name, actions)
self.chess_board_widget = ChessBoardWidget()
def init(self):
""" @see LogModule.init. Adds the ChessBoardWidget to the main widget. In order to show the ChessBoardWidget
split-screen the log widget first needs to be removed from the main_widget and then placed inside it again.
TODO: change this behaviour so that the log widget is not removed and placed inside the main widget again.
# reset main widget because it is used differently in LogModule. also reset parent of log widget so that it is not deleted when
# the main widget is deleted/removed as a child
# main: left chess board, right log
h_Layout = QHBoxLayout()
def on_piece_movement(self, piece_movement: PieceMovement):
""" this method is called when a piece has been move by the user on the chess board. Override this method
to react to this user input.
piece_movement (PieceMovement): the piece movement that has been performed
def on_back(self):
""" this method is called when the user presses the back button on the chess board. Override this method
to react to this user input.
def on_focus(self):
""" @see LogModule.on_focus. This method grabs the keyboard so that the ChessBoardWidget can receive keyboard
input by the user.
class MethodAction(QRunnable):
""" This class is used to dispatch a method to the threadpool of the main application.
def __init__(self, method):
""" initialises the MethodAction with the given method.
method (callable): any callable object like a method of an object or a lambda function
self.method = method
def run(self):
""" runs the method that was given in the constructor.
def create_method_action(app, display_name: str, method):
""" helper function to create a QAction that calls the given method when triggered.
app (ChessApp): the main application
display_name (str): the name of the action that is displayed in the menu
method (callable): the method that is called when the action is triggered
MethodAction: the QAction that calls the given method when triggered
method_action = QAction("&" + display_name)
lambda: app.threadpool.start(MethodAction(method)))
return method_action